I also took an online test that I was directed to by my internship mentor and it told me that I was an INTJ. It's not the real myers-briggs test, but it's pretty good. Last semester, I took the Myers-briggs test and it confirmed the online test results. After all this, I was still left with the question of what does that mean for me in ministry. How does an introvert function in the highly relational world of ministry? And that's when Lindsay and I saw an add in an IVP magazine for a book. And I like books.
The fact of the matter is that churches and ministries are often led by and made for extroverts. Often ministry positions are built for extroverts. They are made for people who love people and spend all of their time working crowds, talking to strangers, and evangelizing on street corners (ok, so maybe not that last one). Adam covers all of these topics and works through how introverts can be involved, lead, and even evangelize. I was highly encouraged by this book and now feel like I do have a place in a society that praises extroverted qualities and thinks introverts to be very strange. I would certainly recommend this for any Christian who finds it hard to be an introvert in an extroverted culture. Also, extroverted leaders may want to read this to figure out why some people seem so weird.
So, are you an introvert? What have you found to be hard about being an introvert in the church?
Thanks for this recommendation, Peter. As an INFJ, I'm right there with you.
I have the book but haven't had time to read it yet. However, seeing your copy on the return shelf inspired another student to inquire and borrow my copy. I've requested a copy be added to the library ASAP.
Thanks for reviewing this. From one INTJ to another; I'm off to read a book, do a solitary project and recharge.
Good looking book Peter. Thanks for the review, I'll put it on my summer list.
I'm with you there, Pete. I'm an INFP myself. It does make things tricky in an "extroverted church world", but I think there are ways around it. I think, in spite of his constant interaction with us during his time here on earth, Jesus himself was an introvert. I think he just went out and did things anyway. Remember how he'd have to get away from the crowds sometimes too?
Sounds like an interesting book you got. Maybe I'll have to check it out.
It's good to know that I have many introverted friends. I'm not alone in the world.
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