Jun 16, 2010

Review of Searching For God Knows What

People are searching, and Christianity is trying to give an answer for what people are searching for.  What if Christianity is not giving the best answer? That’s what Donald Miller is trying to wrestle with in Searching For God Knows What. He presents the idea that many of us have a formulaic view of God. We have made formulas, lists, and steps that tell us how to be saved and how to grow closer to God.  The problem is that these formulas don't require having a relationship with God and humans were made for relationships. People are looking all over for relationships that will validate who they are.  Miller preposes that maybe the relationship with the one true loving God who gave up his one and only son is the one that will changes peoples life and help them find what they’ve been looking for.

If you're a fan of Donald Miller, you know that this isn't a new book, but he has rereleased it.  Honestly, he didn't add a lot to it. There's a new introduction and his personality theory based on Genesis added after the book.  These are both great additions, but if you have read the book before, the book hasn't really changed. If you haven't read the book, I would highly recommend it. The book as a whole was a delightful read, as are all of Miller's books. This book is worth your time, it changed my view of faith when I read it the first time, and reinforced it this time. Donald Miller is one of my favorite living authors, and this book is one of his best I also highly recommend his newest book: A Million Miles in a Thousand Years which I talked about here.

Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book free from Thomas Nelson Publishers as part of their BookSneeze.com book review bloggers program. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255 : “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”

Jun 14, 2010


Summer is officially here for me now. I finished my last homework assignment on Friday.  It was a great semester and I am happy that now I actually have time to write on the blog again and do a lot of other fun stuff.

May was really hectic for Lindsay and I.  She finished up here M.A. and graduated. Then the following Tuesday she started a new job. She's working a full time job here at LCU as an administrative assistant. Ironically, she works for the wife of the professor who I am a TA for.  We are very thankful for this job because it allows us to stay in Lincoln while I continue to work on my masters degree.  May was crazy for me because I finished up my spring semester while getting ready for my intensive class.  Meanwhile, I was trying to find some employment as well, which I did find. I am now a barista at Jamani Java in Bloomington, IL.  I was training last week and I am starting to work more regularly this week.  Even though I've worked in a coffee shop for 4 of the past 5 years, every coffee shop is different and does things different ways. It's exciting and I am very thankful for a job that doesn't end with the school year.

We're not quite sure of all the things we're doing this summer, so if you have any (cheap) suggestions let us know.  I do know one thing however, I will be doing lots of reading. Some for fun and some to get ready for this next semester.