Platt begins with by questioning the reader's faith. He even says that he wants to show you how, despite your best intentions, have turned away from really following Jesus. Real discipleship (following Jesus) requires something of the disciple, and here in America, we're not giving what is required of us. We've lost sight of Jesus and follow after the American dream. But his question to the reader is whether or not Jesus is really worth it. Jesus calls us to come and die, to abandon our attachments to the things of this world, and turn our lives over to Christ. Platt argues to bring the reader back to that point.
At times this can be a hard book to read, and I think it is harder for those who lived longer in pursuit of the American dream. Platt describes some of his encounters with church leaders and Christians who have told him that they are glad that he has gone into the inner city and around the world so that they didn't have to. This seems extreme, but there are many of us who, although we won't say it, live like this. We want others to go around the world and into the tough places with the good news so that we don't have to. That's not, however, the call of Christian discipleship. Platt writes Radical to remind us that the dream of God is not two cars, three children, and a house with a picket fence, but instead the dream of God is for all people to hear his gospel of love and salvation. And this dream does not just happen, it happens because God's people answer the call of to go and preach the good news.
This is one of two books I have read by David Platt. He writes passionately and honestly. Both of these make his books interesting and convicting. His call is an heartfelt and honest call to get off our couch, turn off the TV, and go do something for God. Radical has changed my view of what a Christian does and how they live. There were times when I got frustrated and thought that he was just another person guilting me into being a missionary, but in his conclusion he makes attainable goals for any person. He doesn't ask you to move out of the country, but instead to give at least a week of your time outside your culture and to give part of your offering to spread the gospel. I would recommend this to anyone. It's an easy read and hopefully it will change the way you live your life.
Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book free from Waterbrook Multnomah's book review bloggers program. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255 : “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”
You know, Pete, I beginning to feel a lot of this myself lately. As Christians we aren't called to the pursuit of happiness, but to the pursuit of holiness. The question for me is, how as Christians are we supposed to interact with the American dream?
David, I think that the problem with the American Dream is in the name, it's "American." The focus of this dream is wrapped up in the virtues of America. Some of these aren't bad by themselves. It's good to have a house, a car, a job, and a family. The problem with this being your "Dream" is that the pinnacle of success is achieved in having the best car, best house, best job, and best family available to you. This is a purely materialistic goal. I love my family and my cars work, but my goal in life is not to live just to get these things. The Christian Dream is that all people come to know God as Lord and Savior.
These and many more questions are posed in Radical by David Platt. This book will be one that stands through time. It's truths are blunt, radical, and exactly as Jesus desired his followers to live. It is a book that every follower of Jesus, truly desiring to live in obedience to Him, must read. It will change your life! David Platt wrote this book to the body of Christ, but mainly to the church in America. He emphasises how American Christians have so focused on God blessing us with wealth and If you are having problems you must not have enough faith to the point that we have forgotten Jesus words to "Forsake everything and follow Me." Too often, the central message changed from abandoning ourselves to catering to ourselves.
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