Oct 6, 2008

The Hoedown

This weekend the church had an interesting event. It was the Hill-Billy Hoedown. I must say that I haven't participated in an event like this before. It was an event with food, dancing, and hill-billy games. And of course, everyone was dressed up. Most people wore flannel. It was a great time of just hanging out and having a great time.

The church hired a professional square dance caller. So, I learned to square dance and line dance. It certainly was quite the experience, and also quite the work out. Though, some of the dances were a lot harder than I thought.

The funniest part of the night was that a lot of people assumed that I would be the expert on hill-billies, being that I am from the Midwest. They also assume that I am an expert on corn and farming, too. It's also funny to see what they think of people from the Midwest. I think they confuse farmers, red necks, and hill-billies, and assume that they are a lot a like.

Like I said, we also had some games. The games were pretty good. We had a donut eating contest and seed spitting contest. On top of the games, there was a lot of country music. It was a great time.


Anonymous said...

Come on, Pete, don't lie to them. We Mid-Westerners know all about hill-billies, rockabillies, and all guys named Billy. Not to mention our natural corn and farming abilities that we've developed since birth.

paulafrances said...

I have been to my share of hillbilly hoedowns, ( I'm from Dallas texas, but I have NO rhythm, I have never been able to line dance or square dance. Now, the polka, the waltz and the schottish (sp?) i can do!